Why you should stop setting resolutions (and 4 steps to crush your goals)

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It’s that time again… Resolutions time. 

The start of a new year with a fresh, clean slate to go out and finally build the life of your dreams upon.

Perhaps this is your year to get your health, relationships, or finances in order. Or, maybe this is going to be the year that you finally go all in, take the plunge, and open that dream business of yours.

New year, new you, new results, right? 

Eh… probably not so much!

Truth is, even though the new year tends to be a time filled with the best of intentions, most people fail on their resolutions by February. About 80% that is!

I’m not telling you anything you don’t intuitively know. Hell, you can just monitor your socials. You’ll see people go from kickin’ names and takin’ ass in January, to kicking themselves in the ass and back to their old ways come February. 

The reality is, resolutions just don’t work for the vast majority of people, PERIOD! (<< if you’re under 25, I better get some serious street cred for that. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, Google it! Ha)

So, because we know the facts on this one, let’s use Einstein’s advice here (“the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”), and avoid the insanity.

This year, let’s stop setting resolutions that set you up for failure. Rather, let’s set some real goals that’ll set you up to crush it and get you the results you want.


What’s the difference?

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “well, Justin, what’s the difference between a goal and a resolution? Aren’t they basically just two different words to describe the same thing?”

To that, I would ask you, is eating a store bought, out of the can cinnamon roll the same as eating a made from scratch, freshly baked one? If you say yes, then just stop reading now, because there’s no reasoning with you, you monster! 

All kidding aside, yes, in theory, they are just two words that describe the same things. However, are words ever really just words? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me my ass! The words we use matter.

There is a deep rooted connection behind the words we use and the beliefs we have. And those beliefs influence the emotions we feel, and actions we take. I can send you tons of research on this, but trust me, it’s easier if you just take my word for it.

Just think about it – when someone tells you what their “resolution” is, what’s the first thing that goes through your mind? And don’t lie! For most people, there is a negative thought that pops up. That word, “resolution” has become associated with failure.

So, again, take my word for it, YOUR WORDS MATTER!

How to set yourself up for success

Now, knowing what you know about the psychology of resolutions vs goals, and how each affects your ability to achieve them, I want you to set yourself up for success by creating some goals you want to go after this year.

But, in order to effectively set and achieve your goals, there are a few things you need to do.

Get Clarity

In my experience, by far the number one reason people fail to achieve their resolutions or goals, is not take the time to get clarity. 

I get it, taking the time out to do this isn’t always the most fun (unless you’re a total weirdo like me, of course!), but that’s what living an UNCOMMON life is all about

It’s about not doing things the way others do, and not making decisions based on ease. Living an UNCOMMON life requires making decisions from a place of purpose, and allowing the vision that you create for your life to inform those decisions.

Clarity is so important because it creates a vivid image that provides a sense of certainty. That certainty, in turn, boosts your confidence to achieve the goal.

Clarity is foundational to you achieving your goals.

Write Your Goals Down

People always look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them to WRITE their goals down, but it is such a powerful thing to do. 

First, research show that retention and recall are increased by physically writing your goals down. And, I also believe that there is something magical that happens when we break out good ol’ pen and paper and write down what we want.

After you write your goals down, review them regularly. And, if you want to take it a step further, make a goal board. 

Proximity is power. So, the more you can lay eyes on your goals, the more you train your mind to believe you can achieve them.

Track Your Progress

It is said that you can’t master that which you do not measure, and that is absolute truth. 

This is another one of those key steps that separates those who crush their goals and those who don’t. Those who are successful understand that achieving a monster goal is a process. And, they always want to know where they’re at in that process. 

In this entitled, give me the results now culture that we live, those who aren’t successful, don’t take the time to do the little things. Well, this is one of those little things that has a HUGE impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

Take Continuous Committed Action

At the end of the day, your goals mean Jack-Diddly-Squat (<< taking it back to my childhood with that one! HA) if you don’t take action on them. 

You need to create a Massive Action Plan (MAP), and make sure that you’re executing on it every single day. 

Chasing your dreams ain’t easy, but when you combine a rock-solid plan with all-out, UNCOMMON effort behind it, nothing can stop you!

And that’s how you’ll crush your goals this year. 

Let this year be the year that you finally break through to that UNCOMMON life you’ve always dreamt of. 

Show up every day, put in the effort, do the work other aren’t willing to do, and I promise you that you’ll look back 12 months from now and think to yourself, “Damn, I just crushed that year!”


Ready to start this year off with a bang? Click here to join the Becoming UNCOMMON Challenge

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