How a lack of self awareness is holding you back

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How would you rate your level of self awareness?

Are you feeling hopeless or stuck?

Like no matter what you do, success just keeps alluding you?

Then read this all the way through, because I’m going to reveal one of the biggest reasons most people can’t find success despite feeling like they’re “doing all the right things.”

And, you’ll realize success is a lot closer than you think.

Spoiler alert: your systems, actions or lack of actions, or wanting it badly enough probably aren’t the issue.


What you’re NOT doing

When most people seek help from a coach to find out why they can’t break through to success, they think the answer must be in their systems or marketing, or something else that they’re doing wrong.

Yea, sometimes there are issues with those things that need to be resolved. But, typically that’s not the biggest issue.

The primary reason most people aren’t successful is because they lack self awareness.

Ever heard the old saying, “success is an inside job?” Well, while most have heard the saying, very few actually understand what it means and how it affects their ability to be successful. 

Success is an inside job

One of the things I work with clients on is getting them to understand the power of self awareness. 

Self awareness is just a fancy way of saying understanding who you truly are. Knowing your weaknesses and shortcomings. (And yes, knowing your strengths is part of that also, but people don’t tend to struggle with that part.)

Getting self aware is like shining a flash light into all the deepest and darkest parts of yourself. Actively seeking out the things about yourself that you don’t particularly want to face.

(Check out a great article on personal awareness here)

Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Now you see why most people don’t want to do it? It’s hard! No one likes admitting that they suck at something, or that they’ve got weaknesses.

But you know what? It’s necessary. If you aren’t aware of who you are, what you’re equipped to do well, and what you suck at, you may be beating your head against the wall trying to breakthrough in something you’re not even equipped to succeed at.

I see this all the time with people who want to be influencers of some sort. They want to be speakers, coaches, or something else that allows them to positively influence others.

Problem is, most of them get sick at the thought of speaking in front of or being vulnerable with strangers. Uhhh…. Am I the only one who sees the problem here?

Of course I’m not!

So many people have big goals and dreams, and want to live UNCOMMON lives, but they lack the self awareness to know what their gifts are and how they can best utilize them to accomplish those things.

Why YOU must be self aware

On top of the fact that knowing yourself allows you to know your strengths, weaknesses, areas of growth, etc., another reason you MUST be self aware is because those around you won’t be.

Truth is, those closest to you already know these things about you. But, the vast majority of them won’t tell you.

They don’t want to be responsible for hurting your feelings or bursting your bubble.

And the thing is, it’s not their job to do so! Don’t put that responsibility on them.

If you want to be successful, start taking responsibility for having the awareness necessary to achieve that success.

Putting it all together

It doesn’t matter what area of your life it’s in, self awareness is going to be required for success.

Whether that’s your finances, relationships, business, hobbies, health, etc. you MUST be aware!

I remember people using the phrase, “I know _____ like the back of my hand” when I was growing up.

The thing that blows my mind, is that most people can’t honestly fill that blank with “myself.” 

If you want to finally breakthrough to higher levels of success, stop looking outside, and start getting to know yourself a little better!


Man in black shirt staring off to the left with the text, "How a lack of self awareness is holding you back" in white text on a red background

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