Finding your dream job: A new perspective on doing work you love

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Let me ask you a question – do you have your dream job?

You know, that career that just lights you up and has you so excited about the work you GET to do.

Well… statistically speaking, chances are you answered “No” to that question.

According to research, only 15% of people actually enjoy their work.


Yup… you read that correctly! Pretty staggering number, huh?

Especially when you consider that work/career accounts for about ⅓ of our lives!

And if you ask me, I think that number directly correlates to the 70% of people who say they’re unhappy in life. But I digress.

Since work is something that takes up so much of our lives, I want to do everything in my power to help you enjoy it! 

That’s why I’m pumped to bring you some Dream Job wisdom from my dear friend and mentor, Mitch Matthews, that he shares in his new book, Dream Job Redefined: The new rules for creating a career that matters and doing work you love.

To learn more about how you can find your dream job, keep reading.

Image of Dream Job Redefined book in the background, behind the text, "Finding your dream job: a new perspective on doing work you love"

Defining your “dream job”

I don’t know about you, but when I thought about having a “dream job,” I thought that meant doing something that you love. 

Something that lights you up and fulfills you. You know, the whole “find something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” type of thing. (Which, by the way, is total BS! I LOVE what I do, but I work my arse off!)

I never considered that there could be another definition for what a dream job is. 

Turns out I was wrong. Mitch offers two definitions for what it means to have a dream job:

  • Doing something you love
  • And/or doing work that enables you to do something you love


Before reading Dream Job Redefined, I thought that first definition was the only one. But, now knowing that second definition, I honestly do believe that more people have dream jobs.

Not everyone does work that they love – we know that to be true. But, there are a ton of people I know that enjoy their jobs because it affords them the opportunity to live the sort of life they desire.

They’re able to travel to cool places, buy things that make them happy, and/or donate money to charity.

I’m curious to know which definition applies more to you and the life you desire to live.

Are you someone who wants to wake up each day and do work that truly fulfills you, or are you someone who is fine doing something less fulfilling, as long as it allows you to live the type of life you want?

Drop a line in the comments below and let me know.

So, now that we know what it means to have a dream job, let’s see what Mitch says about how to find one.

Steps to finding your dream job

In Dream Job Redefined, Mitch gives an A – J rundown for how to find your dream job.

Without spoiling the book (because you totally need to pick it up if you’re resonating with this topic), those steps are:

A: Attitude

Mitch contends that attitude is absolutely key when it comes to finding your dream job.

B: Bridge

Is every job a “dream job?” Nope. Mitch explains how some jobs are simply bridges to the greater destination.

C: Clues

Clues from your past and present are extremely helpful for determining what direction to head.

D: Dream

If you don’t know much about Mitch, aside from being a world class coach, he’s also the host of the top rated podcast, Dream. Think. Do. The guy swears by the power of dreaming and how it can transform your life and career.

E: Experiment

Mitch talks about how experimenting is key to finding your dream job.

F: Fail

Oh… this is a HUGE one! Mitch talks about how learning to “fail like a scientist” is transformative in you finding a dream job.

G: Goals

This should go without saying, but properly and effectively setting goals is crucial if you’re going to find your dream job. Mitch walks you through an effective process for doing just that.

H: Help

No one gets where they want to be without some help along the way. Well, Mitch helps you determine the HOW and WHO of getting help in your pursuit of a dream job.

I: Intentionality

Most people dislike their work – we already know that. Yet, despite their complaining, most people aren’t willing to put forth the work of changing their situation. Mitch talks about how if you’re going to find a dream job, you’ve got to be intentional about doing so.

J: Jobs

In this last point, Mitch really emphasizes the importance of the “s” on the end of jobs. Very few people find one dream job that they spend their entire careers doing. That’s why it’s important to understand how to craft a dream career.

Putting it all together

So, how you feelin’? Are you curious yet? Wondering how you can find your dream job? 

If so, you need to pick up your copy of Dream Job Redefined

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who’s on the hunt for either a job they love, or a job that allows them to do what they love.

Here’s to finding your Dream Job!



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